Angelynn Ballew

Nov 29, 20214 min

An Orquestra in our Home

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Countless books have been written about living, surrendering, and faith. Personal faith. Each person has their own personal faith story... but at the end of the day, the call is the same... complete surrender. Not my will but yours will be done.

We came to Barranquilla with many dreams, hopes, and excitement of living overseas, learning a language, and participating in a new culture. Even as I look back now, I see Him giving me opportunities to emancipate my own desires along the way.

Oneness, fullness, complete perfection in the faith. These words began as concepts, but have grown in meaning. I cannot go after my own "ness" and have Oneness...fullness in Him. I spot these checks over and over again as I have walked the path. Will I say "yes" to Him? I smile as I recollect the strange situations He has asked me to follow Him into.

Just the other night we were tired. Of course, we were tired, we had had the junior orchestra in our home all morning, and then the Chamber Orchestra (professionals in their own right) arrived and played until late evening. Classical music reverberated first a bit disjointed and choppy with the young musicians eager to make sense of the notes on the pages. By evening, the beautifully rich sounds were played bit by bit as the conductor stopped and started as he corrected each and every interpretation of the music they practiced.

It is a beautiful thing to resolve to always obey Him. Time and time again we learn that it is a restful place. A peaceful place awaits.

I found myself in the kitchen staring into the refrigerator. The hospitality had worn out in my heart right about 6 pm as I took out what I had set apart for dinner. I wasn't sure if they would eat with us or needed to leave. As I broke up the ground beef in the pan, I had a very clear memory of Jesus talking with his disciples. When the disciples realized there were 5,000+ people with no food, and they asked Jesus to send them away, Jesus simply said, "You feed them". These three words were firm in the soil of my heart. A call had come.

What is my response going to be? I took out another frozen pack of beef. By this point, Joel had joined me in the kitchen and I shared what I had remembered in Scripture. He immediately stopped what he was doing and took out some shredded chicken and answered the call as well.

It is a beautiful thing to resolve to always obey Him. Time and time again we learn that it is a restful place. A peaceful place awaits. God has spoken, and I heard Him! I'm being invited to participate in something. It's exciting!

In the following hours, a couple from the orchestra and two more members sat at our table, and over tacos opened up to us about how they really were doing. We sat amazed and honored to be given the opportunity to listen, first. The layers start to unravel and eventually, the tears came. Joel and I sat at the table hand and hand and began to comfort and encourage. We look at each other throughout this time with a sparkle in our eyes both knowing that had we not invited them to stay and eat would have missed the best part of our day.

The FULLNESS of Jesus isn't planned. It can't be manufactured. It is almost always unexpected, so far from our experience. I went to sleep that night basking in His fullness. He called us. That alone is still overwhelming. We got to participate! And the reminder is always thereafter: I could have missed it.

Just four months ago, I began to feel a change coming. I don't know how to describe it other than the Lord preparing a flexibility in us. The questions began as Joel and I prayed: Should we move? Am I investing time into the things the Lord has for me in this season? The questions took center stage in my prayer life. Little by little I heard and knew we were not to move, but I needed to clear my schedule except for the girl's schoolwork. I didn't know what for. There are plenty of ideas, projects, and different opportunities, but I felt no indication from the Lord to pursue any of them.

Suddenly, one day, three musicians were sitting in our living room telling us that they wanted to start a foundation for children and teens to have access to classical music. They were passionate about their project, that was clear. It involved a junior orchestra where the kids come from all different socio-economic backgrounds but united to play together.

Could this be it, Lord? Joel and I began praying and talking about it.

They needed a place to practice once a week. The goal was to raise money through concerts to get the foundation up and rolling. We said "yes". For quite a few years, Joel and I have known that our sweet spot in the 20-somethings age range. And here right in our living room were three asking for help. The three soon became four official leaders of the foundation. We were able to ask them the important question: Are you willing to enter into a discipleship relationship with us? After we explained what that meant we asked them what they thought. One was surprised yet honored, she said. The main leader smiled and said, "This is what you have already been doing." I smiled, "yes, but I need to know if you want that." They all said "yes".

And now, we have been supporting, feeding, encouraging, praying for these leaders for 3 months. The week after the conversation, our church invited them to fix up an abandoned Hall and classrooms in the attached school on the property. They have been given full, free access to the space and access to the kids attending the school from the Centro (downtown, and also a dangerous red zone in our city). Just like that the location and the kids are available. Praise the Lord!

Pray for these leaders. Pray for Joel and I as disciplers. Pray for the kids and teens that are meant to be involved in FundaciĆ³n Rubato in 2022. God is good, and it is such a privilege to follow and join Him. The website for Fundacion Rubato is Check it out, Joel developed the website in his spare time!
